Wednesday 9 November 2016

Verd English

We've moved to our school website. We'll be pleased if you want to follow us there.

Thank you so much!

Thursday 15 October 2015

Global Scholars- Observation Collaboration

This year the school has decided to participate in an International Project: Global Scholars.

"Global Scholars is an innovative online global awareness education initiative that connects 10 to 13 year old students in global cities around the world. Internet-based educational activities develop students’ global citizenship while enhancing critical 21st century skills including subject content masteryEnglish language communication, and technology proficiency. This blended learning program provides access to an interactive, multimedia online classroom and original curriculum materials, enabling students to learn and communicate about important issues with their international peers. Teachers gain year-round professional development and a connection to a worldwide network of educators."

In our team (called Observation Collaboration) we've got partners all around the word: London, Madrid, Warsaw, New York, Jakarta, Taipei, Accra, Chicago, Boston, Jalandhar, Kutaisi and Philadelphia.

These are the names of two of the schools that are part of our collaboration:

Wednesday 14 October 2015

World Geography Resource List

Visit the links on this page to view supplemental on line resources to help you in your geography knowledge acquisition.

"CIA World Factbook" Central Intelligence Agency, 2015
Use this website to research facts about the international countries in your collaboration.

This website offers many entertaining and stimulating map games to improve your geographical knowledge.

Monday 18 May 2015

Birds in Girona

In Science, this term, we are learning about animals. Today we've listened to a talk about birds in Girona and we've learnt lots of things:

  • the names of the birds in english: blue tit, cuckoo...
  • what do they eat.
  • where do they build their nests.
  • colours and characteristics to recognise them.
  • where can we find them in Girona or nearby.
  • which birds fly to other cities or places to find food.
  • some curiosities:

               -the cuckoo doesn't build a nest. It puts the eggs on another nest and throws away the other eggs, so the owners of the nest feed the baby cuckoo.
                -the black swift sleeps while flying because only half of the brain sleeps.

It's been very interesting! Thank you Ponç for coming!

5th graders

Friday 15 May 2015

Learning about the Sun

On Wednesday we did a workshop in the Parc Tecnològic i Científic of the UdG.

We learnt lots of things:

-Galileo Galilei was the first man to use a telescope to look at the sky. He discovered Saturn and that the Sun has got sunspots. When he was old, he was blind because he had looked at the Sun without protection.
-The sunflares and the magnetic fields create the Aurora Borealis.
-Using the computers and looking at the sunspots in some videos, we learnt that the Sun needs aproximately 24 days to rotate.
-In the Planetarium, we learnt that at night we can see some planets in the sky, such as Venus and Saturn. We also saw the constellations and leant about their importance.

5th graders

Friday 13 March 2015

Solar System miniature by 5th graders

5th graders have filmed a representation of the size and distances of the planets in the Solar System.

Monday 2 March 2015

Robin Hood, clink!!

On the 19th of February, Stella, an actress, came to our gym to perform "The Story of Robin Hood and Maid Marion".

The story was about a man called Robin Hood. He was a strong, brave archer. He was famous for stealing money from the rich and giving it to the poor. He lived in the Sherwood Forest.
There was another man called Sheriff of Nottingham, He was rich and evil. Robin Hood and the Sheriff both were in love with Maid Marion. The Sheriff hated Robin Hood.

Our favourite parts were:
* when Robin Hood said: 
- Robin Hood, clink!!! (and showed us his bright teeth!)
* the archery competition
* when Stella asked for volunteers

The theatre play was amazing and there was only one actress! The story was great because Stella is an excellent actress. She is very funny and she sings very well.
We think it is very difficult that one person performs all the different characters in a story.
The Sheriff of Nottingham asked Natàlia (one teacher) to have a coffee with him but she answered "NEVER!".

6th graders