Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Our "pessebre"


This Christmas the boys and the girls from the 5th and 6th grade made a "pessebre".
We made it with plasticine. We made some groups and each group had to represent an scene of the "pessebre" in a shoe box. For example: the manger was a shoe box, the devils were in another shoe box, the shephards in another one...
It was so funny making the "pessebre"!


Monday, 16 December 2013

International Project

Last year our 6th graders started exchanging emails in English with some students in US schools. We met them in ePals Global Community.

This year we decided to go one step further and start sharing some projects. Our first project is a wiki about Christmas Traditions. We wrote about our Catalan and Spanish traditions and ourepals from Bellevue, Kentucky, USA wrote about theirs.

Thank you for being our parterns. It's been a great experience!

Xmasnadal wiki

In our class, 6th grade, we created a wiki which explains some of our Christmas traditions. We want all the people around the world learn about them.

-In Catalan Xmas songs, we uploaded some of our traditional Catalan Christmas songs like: “A Betlem me’n vull anar”, “M’agrada el Nadal” & “Ara ja és Nadal”.

-In Catalan traditions we explained “El Tió”,  “El pessebre”, “El pessebre vivent”, “El caganer” & “El poema de Nadal”

-In Spanish traditions we wrote about: "Christmas holidays", "Torrons”, "New year's Eve"  “Els tres reis", "Tortell de reis", &“El dia dels innocents”.

-In Other traditions we put: “Invisible friend” & “Advent calendar”.

