Monday, 18 May 2015

Birds in Girona

In Science, this term, we are learning about animals. Today we've listened to a talk about birds in Girona and we've learnt lots of things:

  • the names of the birds in english: blue tit, cuckoo...
  • what do they eat.
  • where do they build their nests.
  • colours and characteristics to recognise them.
  • where can we find them in Girona or nearby.
  • which birds fly to other cities or places to find food.
  • some curiosities:

               -the cuckoo doesn't build a nest. It puts the eggs on another nest and throws away the other eggs, so the owners of the nest feed the baby cuckoo.
                -the black swift sleeps while flying because only half of the brain sleeps.

It's been very interesting! Thank you Ponç for coming!

5th graders

Friday, 15 May 2015

Learning about the Sun

On Wednesday we did a workshop in the Parc Tecnològic i Científic of the UdG.

We learnt lots of things:

-Galileo Galilei was the first man to use a telescope to look at the sky. He discovered Saturn and that the Sun has got sunspots. When he was old, he was blind because he had looked at the Sun without protection.
-The sunflares and the magnetic fields create the Aurora Borealis.
-Using the computers and looking at the sunspots in some videos, we learnt that the Sun needs aproximately 24 days to rotate.
-In the Planetarium, we learnt that at night we can see some planets in the sky, such as Venus and Saturn. We also saw the constellations and leant about their importance.

5th graders